Amazon is accepting new books again! If you would like a signed copy you can order direct me or from my publisher, Easy to order. Since I am in Hawaii, I will personally sign all copies including a thank you to...
Read moreSpanish Flu ravishes Japanese Community in Hawaii
Spanish Flu ravishes Japanese Community in Hawaii The following are chapters or part or parts of chapters from Picture Bride – The Flu came in two waves 1918 & 1920 Chapter 61 Soaking in the ofuro weeks later, Haru massaged her abdomen...
Read moreKing Kalakaua’s 1885 Visit to Japan – Offers Kingdom to Meiji Emperor
A King’s Visit – Chapter 1 On the March 4, 1881 cloudless sunrise, Hawaii’s seventh King, David Kalakaua stood on the Oceanic’s upper deck looking at the snow-coned majesty of Mount Fuji as the British steamer eased into Yokohama’s crowded...
Read moreJoe Takata, the First Nisei Killed in Action – His Last Moments
The platoon squatted around Kim, who had converted his helmet into a coffee pot. In a low voice causing the men to lean in, Kim delivered his version of the Knute Rockne pep talk. “Today is the day. Our orders— throw Jerry off the ridge west of...
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